The Article
Yes Offers A Lucky Bag Of Prog
6th December 2019

Title: From a Page/In The Present Live From Lyon
Label: Yes 97 LLC
Not the current line up, I have to say, this box set of three CDs actually includes Chris Squire, Steve Howe, Alan White, Oliver Wakeman and Benoit David.
Arriving in a clamshell box, Wakeman himself (sporting trademark hair) has overseen this particular project (and written notes about his time in the band). Not many bands ring up and say, “…your Dad is not joining us for the 40th Anniversary tour and we’d like to know if you would consider joining?” Only in prog, eh?
It’s an odd mixture of studio and live work and not wholly new, either.
Four tracks were created in 2010: To The Moment (6:09), Words on a Page (6:18), From the Turn of a Card (3:24) and The Gift of Love (9:52). The first three tracks are Wakeman compositions, which explains his involvement in this box set. The fourth, The Gift of Love, was more of a group effort.

The live set, Live From Lyon has been seen on sale before.
It was first released in 2010 but this edition adds the track, Second Initial which was previously a Japanese-only bonus track.
The booklet for Live From Lyon has been re-designed and expanded too.
As for the ‘new’ tracks?
Well, firstly, bravo to Oliver Wakeman for injecting much-needed new material into the group’s orbit.
It’s debatable that these are destined to become future Yes classics but they are certainly very good indeed, listenable, enjoyable and sometimes offer a toe-tapping hookability.
The mastering is also nice with no nasty frequencies to spoil the party. Output is pretty neutral with enough space across the soundstage to provide a rather grand presentation.
An unusual box set, a bit of an ‘odds and sods’ release but one that fans will lap up, I’m sure.
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