The Article
Happy New Year!
1st January 2023

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. May your year be filled with success and love and, most of all, peace and security
I am wishing specifically for success right now because I’m in the middle of cooking a New Year’s roast dinner. And – let me tell you this right now – I cook a mean roast dinner. My roast potatoes are the stuff of legends.
There’s Atlantis, there’s the Fountain of Youth, there’s the Sword in the Stone. And then there’s my spuds.
I have a few minutes before I start on the gravy so I just wanted to thank you all for – well – being you and being here. For reading but also for commenting. For supporting me in what I do but also for being there for others, when they need help.
I want to also thank you for being, let me use an old fashioned word, ‘nice’. It makes my job easier and it makes this website a place I’m happy to fill with content. There’s so much toxicity in and around social media, it makes a nice change to escape to this site and talk with you all.
So I want to thank you for that too.
I have lots planned for the New Year. Companies I have ‘in the house’ (literally) include people like PMC, Edifier, Icon Audio (after a long absence) and a company I’ve wanted to feature for a long time but things got in the way. I’m talking about Graham Slee. I think there’s some Grado headphones in there too somewhere plus – just possibly – the latest Mani phono amp from Schiit. But we’ll see, eh?
I also have more Musical Ramblings in the pipe, CD and Vinyl reviews plus lots of other goodies. So here’s to you, to the site and to my roast dinner – cheers!
Happy New Year Paul! Good luck on the dinner!
Thanks Joseph 🙂
And a Happy New Year cheers to yourself as well and the contributions you make to our collective passtime. My spuds turned out nicely along with everything else…because Christmas dins once a year just isn’t enough.
Thank you and absolutely, Andy. I agree 🙂
Right back atcha as we say here in Outer Mongolia. My only important chore at Christmas (is it really over?) and the New Year is my legendary Yak sauce aka Cranberry sauce. As long as Tibetan Yak-Music is on the turntable it always goes down a treat otherwise……it turns out, er, yakky 😱
Listen Paul what you do is priceless and actually inspires us to be extra nice too. Long may you run!
Thanks Dermot, I’ll certainly do my best.
Happy new year Paul, looking forward to another year of great content from you üëç
When is the roastie video going to be available? üòÉ
Yes, off topic videos could be thing in 2023 🙂
Dear Paul,
I wish you a very Happy New Year filled with Love, Well being and Happiness.
PS : Thank you for all the wonderful reviews.
Thanks for the kind thoughts Stefaan.
A very Happy New Year to you too Paul.
Looking forward to the Bristol Show!
Thanks Steve and me too!
Happy New Year!!!
Hello Paul. Connecting from Canada. I enjoy your work. I wonder if you could recommend a phono stage from budget to mid-price range (less than 600 CA), that might suite my Rega Planar 3 (over 10 years old), paired with a Nagaoka MP-200 moving magnet cartridge?. Any upgrades will keep me with moving magnet cartridges.
Thank you.
Hi Frank as you’re a Rega man it might be an idea to look at the Rega Fono MK.5, the MM version for your elliptical cartridge would do fine.
Happy New Year Paul…
Roast beef, eh…sounds good, what was your background music while in the kitchen? Also, what was desert? 🙂
Happy New Year, Kelly. Bing Crosby and trifle! Me? Trad? Nah.