The Article
Audiophile Man – Blog update
25th March 2020

A quick update from me to you on the site and the future…
What with everything that’s going on around us, I just wanted to confirm that The Audiophile Man is carrying on…carrying on. There will be no change here. I’ll still be producing news items, YouTube videos, full hi-fi reviews (I have a queue of items here to work through there’s already 4-5 being processed and I’m off to do a sound test as soon as I finish this post), looking at vinyl and CDs and the rest.
I hope this site can be of some use if you’re stuck at home and also if you’re looking for a diversion. Music can be of great solace, can be a source of meditation and relaxation and can ease worries at times like these.
I hope The Audiophile Man can help, even just a wee bit, towards that goal.

In the meantime, stay healthy, follow the health guidelines, wash your hands and enjoy your music.
Also, don’t forget I’m here if you need to chat.
I’ll post any further updates when necessary.
Hi Paul …….. Always glad to read your column and thanks for keeping our spirits up. You may remember I am the Mark King, Level 42 fan amongst others and have enjoyed all the other Guitar masters mentioned on here. Amazing how many good ones there are? I am self isolating (retired, single anyway but great brother nearby) but my dreaded “old” anxiety probs have started again (not surprising) but def feel better today by doing things like this. You are obviously Home Working Paul and keeps you OCCUPIED which is great. At the moment, love listening to Classic FM as their music is just so relaxing and great presenters too. Stay well and happy listening whatever music takes the mood. Blimey sounds like a HFW column….hohoho. Still got copies going back to 1991. Regards Chris (Marchwood, Hants)
Nice to hear from you Chris and I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety. I’m not a medical professional by any stretch but I have had friends who do use ‘diversion’ to help the mind concentrate on something else and music can certainly help – as can buying and tweaking hi-fi! And Mark King can also alleviate that too 🙂
Yes, I’m home, scribbling away here. Lots to do, I’m busily sorting new editorial for you and others to read but it’s difficult because its rather lovely outside. It’s at times like these that a Lottery win would be useful and then I could begin to plough through the thousands of unread books I have stacked here. One day…
Stay safe and don’t worry, we’ll get through all of this. I realise that ‘the unknown’ is a scary thing but with communities like ours and others on the Internet, we can all still stay in touch and while away the hours talking about hi-fi and music. Hope you enjoy your Classic FM.
Thanks Paul – always enjoy your YouTube contributions. Stay safe.
Thanks Steve!
As I usually ramble on and on when I have something to say I won’t this time. When all’s been said and done there’s only very few people we can call real friends. You’re, most definitely, one of them. A truly decent human being who genuinely cares about his career as a journalist. Your honesty and joi de vivre for all things that make music is truly liberating and inspiring to us all. Finally just a humble thank you too for all your reviews/help with my own hi fi journey. Please Don’t EVER Stop…….
That’s very nice of you Dermot, thank you 🙂
Hi Paul. I am a fairly recent subsriber, but a veteran music listener. I spent £40 of my first ever weeks wages (£44) to buy my first ever Sony walkman back in ’84 and have been hooked on music ever since. I have spent my enforced lay off from work listening to & cataloguing my cd and vinyl collection. I await your newsletter every Sunday, and thank you profusely for the content, and your enthusiasm for what you do. Pleased that you are continuing, keep up the great work.
That’s very kind of you Laurence, glad you like it.
Hey Paul, thank you for the encouraging words…glad to see you’ve found a hack to get an Olivetti into your Osbourne Personal Computer. Keep on writing, I look forward to it every Sunday.
Thanks Mike!