The Article
5th August 2024

A quick update for the recent Six Star power block review which incorporates a behind-the-scenes peek at how I work
And I do this. I nag. Well, I’m sure some companies think that. I’m the kid that never stops asking, “Why?” That’s what happens when I start reviewing a piece of kit. I look at the manual, the item itself, I give it a little listen and as soon as a question pops in my head relating to any of this? I email it to the company or I call them. I can send/ask many questions.
For example, the recent Knosti vinyl cleaner review? I began asking questions to the company’s marketing lady. The questions became so frequent and in depth, one of the company’s designer-engineers got involved and we had a 3-day debate over the product.
Question after question.

I am sure some companies become completely pis…fed up with me. In fact, I have a strong feeling that some companies now refuse to deal with me because they feel badgered, “Oh god no…now what!?” is how I reckon some of them think when I send question No.34 which begins with, “But what about…”
This review has been subject to a couple of misunderstandings. Firstly, the pricing (now corrected, updated and listed) and the fact that my review unit was a one-off bespoke design created for me to review the RFI filter on and off.
I didn’t know my unit included that feature.
I thought the power switch under the chassis was to defeat the power itself. I did wonder why the switch was under the chassis though and I wanted to ask the question but the reason I didn’t ask that question and for these misunderstandings was this.

Designer/company owner Michael Osborn was on holiday. My timing was not the best. This review had to run now though because I have another product which has to be reviewed next week and a further product that has to be reviewed in two week’s time and so on.
So it was pure coincidence that Micheal disappeared for a bit while I was desperate to ask him questions. Don’t blame Michael though. He was more than happy to answer questions but, well, the man was on holiday wasn’t he? He was on a well-earned break. I wouldn’t want to be bothered by work, I know that much. So I put myself in his place.
And who am I to come between a man and his fourth Piña Colada?

So I tried to restrain myself. I did send a few emails, I must add. But I tried to minimise my normal extremism. Hence, the misunderstandings.
Even so, I have now added an addendum to the review and have changed various bits of the review itself to fit. The core change begins (if you scroll down) at the subhead named: THE RFI FILTER, then down to the Conclusion subhead. That bit is all new if you want to check it out.
So, that’s what happens, I reckon.

Message to companies.
If you send me something to review, when I say I’m going to review your thing that week, chain yourself to the desk and don’t move for all of that week.
Because I have one or 34 questions to ask you.