The Article
3rd November 2021

The British company’s Made in England (MiE) project will see it work with some of the country’s craftspeople to bring new finishes to its products
Apparently MiE will focus on bespoke products that are hand built using traditional techniques. We’re talking artisan kinda stuff here.
The R5 MiE edition you can see here was made in Suffolk, England, “Handcrafted from multiple layers of walnut bonded to a black substrate the tolerances on this need to be exact, so the slats surrounding the display assembly line up perfectly,” said the company.
Price? £2,000. It will be available exclusively through John Lewis.
What’s an Info Snack? See HERE for more information.
Would love to see Ruark make the sorts of speakers they used to make …
The Sabres were my all time favourite , lovely rich finish matched by a lovely rich sound
Hi Paul. Am looking forward to an article on the Made in England version, the original of which you reviewed a year or so ago. Am keen to know whether it sounds almost as good as it looks, but as there will only be 35 models built, they may all have gone before you get a chance to do the review!