The Article
20th April 2024

Welcome to Music Alerts! There’s a host of CDs and VINYL in this episode. Want to know what I received through the post this week?
Watch this video.
To see the video, click:
20th April 2024
Watch this video.
To see the video, click:
Hello Paul,
Your latest Music Alerts that I received has no link to click.
Kind regards,
Hi David – have you tried clicking on the YouTube link at the bottom of the post? Click there and the window will spring into life. It is there, I’ve just checked.
Hello Paul,
Having just sent you a message I immediately got a reply saying Howdy and asking me to click to confirm my email address.
This I didn’t do because I was firstly suspicious of the use of Howdy and therefore do not feel inclined to click on anything.
Hi David – because of your link problem, noted elsewhere, I am wondering if the ‘Howdy’ issue is attached to this website (this is the first time I’ve heard of that problem) or if you might have picked up a virus or a nasty data-mining cookie. Could you, for your own benefit, check your computer (is it a computer or another device?) If there’s no issues with your device then I’ll have a word with my website manager tomorrow.