The Article
Lenco L-3808 Turntable On YouTube
21st January 2020

One of the very few ‘sub-budget’ turntables that interested hi-fi users should look at… This low cost turntable includes a built-in phono amp.
For those interested in ‘ripping’ vinyl to a digital file, it also includes a built-in USB port.
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To see the video review, click the image below…
I have a similar product, the Audio Technica 120xusb. I’m not sure if all the tec stuff but I know it’s comparable.
Great sound. Ease of use. Changing head shells and rebalancing is a breeze. I have changed the cartridges for a slightly different sound. All fun.
I also own an intro Sony lx300usb. Not so bad once one learns the ins and outs. I upgraded the stylus to the LP GEAR stylus. At about 30 USA $ it was worth every cent. Next, I balanced the legs, and worked a little to dampen vibrations. Finally I turned the entire mechanism over and adjusted the speed, while I reset the belt. (It came off. LOL). It sounds great
I think one always has to consider the entire system including room size and music type.
I’m not a genius, but I love my system. And I give a lot of credit to u.
Thanks Lenny – and well done on your tweaking!
I enjoy trying those inexpensive, little extras that can be done to improve sound.
But, the benefits derived from the tweaks are more than improved sound. It’s become become a good way to “learn” the hobby. It’s one thing to read about improved sound from balancing the turntable. It’s another to experience improvement.
One obvious point: by themselves, the tweaks provided no noticeable improved sound quality. However, there was a small but noticeable improvement when all the tweaks were jammed together.
About a month ago I put my Sony speakers on 24” stands. That provided instant improved sound. However, I recently worked on isolating the base. That also helped.
Thanks for your comments Madia and I agree, tweaking turntables like this is often beneficial: to the deck and to you 🙂