The Article
Blue Horizon Integrated RIAA Filter: To Burn-in your phono stage
29th July 2017
The compact RIAA Filter allows you to directly connect your CD player to your phono stage, put a CD on repeat and burn in a new phono amplifier
To ‘break in’ a phono stage, new owners normally need to play vinyl for many hours. Unlike playing a CD player on repeat to break in such a digital box, doing the same with a phono amp means record and cartridge wear. In addition to actually being there to play the record in the first place.
The Blue Horizon RIAA Filter you can now directly connect your CD player to your phono stage and put CDs on repeat. The company actually recommends utilising the IsoTek Full System Enhancer CD (£30 if bought separately) that also features a dedicated Phono Stage burn-in track.
So, how does it work? You plug the Blue Horizon RIAA filter into the input sockets of your phono stage and connect your CD player using standard RCA connectors and interconnect cable.
The 4-track CD contains high and low frequency test tones, calibrated to a carefully designed mathematical algorithm to fully burn-in and demagnetise your audio or AV system. The first two tracks can be used for all audio systems using CD as the source. The third track is specially designed to condition phono stages. Finally, the fourth track is designed to exercise the full dynamic range of 24bit high-res music server system. Prices are:
To learn more, click or call 0118 981 4238
maybe a silly question concerning the Blue Horizon RIAA Filter: does one need two of them (for the left and the right channels), or would one be sufficient?
Thx and kind regards, Bernd.
I haven’t tested this Bernd but I am told that one is ample for the job.
Das ist ja wohl Quatsch!
Da muss man erst den linken und dann den rechten Kanal “reinigen” ?
Doller Fortschritt so ein paar Vorwiderstände im Messinggehäuse
Hallo, vergessen Sie nicht, dass dies eine Neuigkeit ist, daher habe ich diese nicht getestet, aber ich kann den Teil nicht erkennen, in dem Sie den linken und dann den rechten Kanal reinigen müssen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was Sie damit meinen.
The original question isn’t silly at all, but common sense:
Should we use one single cable with filter, or two cables and one filter, or two cables and two filters?…
Knowing that the inputs are designed to receive 4-5 mV and not 1-2V?
And taking the risk the whole system becomes unbalanced?
Even the user manual don’t respond to these question marks.