The Article
20th September 2019

That’s right, starting from today, my new YouTube channel is now open for business! It will cover hi-fi and music and there’s a few videos covering both subjects already uploaded for you to check out.
I’d like to welcome you to my channel which will work together with this Blog to bring you the best news, reviews and features in hi-fi and music. You’ll be able to see video versions of text reviews and news but there will also be exclusive content on the channel such as vinyl and CD news, buyer’s guides, hints and tips and some key research projects. For example, I’m looking to post a video on vinyl cleaning based on new research – I know that some of you have been asking about this. This particular video has some startling results on the use of alcohol in cleaning vinyl and the very nature of vinyl itself. There’s lots more to come too!
For now? A bit of fun. I want to know about your favourite gig or concert and why. I want to know who played it, where and when and what was the most significant moment in it? Also, what was best song played and why?
Check out the video link below to see mine. I’ll create a follow-up video later and name-check the very best responses. But you’ll need to post that info in the Comments section in my channel if you want a name-check.
Until then, look out for more videos covering hi-fi/music on news, reviews, ideas and features. Be great to see you there. I’m looking at two video releases per week: Tuesday and Friday.
Please visit the channel, subscribe and spread a few Likes about if you can.
Good luck!
Thanks Geoff!
Pink Floyd, Sheffield City Hall, promoting “Atom Heart Mother”, so late 60s? And there was a power cut halfway through. Favourite track, Atom Heart Mother, complete with sounds whizzing behind our heads operated by some kind of joystick on stage. But also “Alan’s Psychedelic Breakfast” performed live, with real eggs and bacon fried on stage. So real, we were able to smell them. I was always a Pink Floyd fan but that concert cemented a lifetime of appreciation.
Lovely stuff – thanks for your memories, John!
Paul. Love your content but more important your delivery. Love the accent too. My dad was from Bootle. I have an Onkyo Cr-n755 and am using an Audio Engine B1 DAC to stream music. This set up is hooked up to budget speakers Pioneer BS22-LR’s ( Andrew Jones, as far as I know only available in the US ) Nice little set up but thought of uograding to Cambridge Audio Topaz AM 10, following your review. Only problem is I want an optical in so music can be played through the speakers. I have an the external DAC but would like something similar to the CA AM10 without a DAC but with an optical in. Also MUST have a remote. New or used, Budget ¬£250. Any suggestions.
Hi John – generally, if you find an optical installed in the rear of an amp then there’s a DAC to support that connection in there too. Couldn’t you use the optical on your external DAC? The Topaz line is no more but there’s an AX line to replace it. The AXA25 might be worth a look at just over your ¬£250 budget.