The Article
18th June 2021

A follow up to the original D50s DAC review looks at a technical issue surrounding this DAC and my attempts to track down the fault
After which, do I recommend that you should buy a D50s?
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You may not have ended on a positive note, Paul, and your frustration is perfectly understandable, but pt.2 of the Topping’s review is helpful for everyone thinking of getting the DAC as it’ll save many potential buyers from being frustrated themselves. Don’t want to do any pot-looking, but can I ask you how many hours you spent on all that cables in and out, etc? Honestly, I couldn’t imagine doing anything like that under the current tropical conditions. Anyway, Paul, stay healthy and have a great weekend. Br Guido
Thanks Guido – and yes, it was warm work. Many hours. Too many 🙂
Hi Paul
The Topping web page for the D50s states the design employs the XMOS XU208 as the USB interface, which supports DSD64 to DSD512 and PCM 24bit/192kHz to 32bit/768kHz.
No chip is specified for the Coax and Optical inputs other than that these inputs support PCM 24bit/192kHz and DOP DSD64. The Cirrus data sheet showed a maximum frequency of 192kHz.
Is there any possibility of the source exceeding the maximum frequency, perhaps by undetected rf interference which was not possible to replicate in later tests? Could it be that Cables 2 and 3 provided better screening at the time of the first test, with the interference not being present during later tests? Who knows !
If Electromod is the appointed distributor for Topping in the UK, should it not honour the warranty that comes with all Topping products, rather than just the ones it sources?
By the way, the (or one of the) Topping design engineers is a contributor to the Audio Science Review forum if the discussion of the D50s needs to be progressed.
Having reviewed two of the lower end DACs from Topping, can your arm be twisted to look at the upper end of the Topping range with balanced outputs, such as the D90se, rather than the D70s, which uses the Cirrus Logic chip ?
Hi Ben – I’ll certainly bear the review suggestions in mind. Although my review queue commitments will send me elsewhere in the short time. I’m not sure of the legality in terms of product responsibility. I have a feeling the retailer is the first port of call. If that’s also Electrmod then it has already offered to talk to its customers.