The Article
Tellurium Q: What’s All That DIN?
12th March 2019

Reportedly responding to constant demand, Tellurium Q has released its first ever DIN-to-RCA phono cable
Those of us using SME arms, for example, might raise an eyebrow or two. Meanwhile, actually buying one might require a soupçon of patience.
“Tellurium Q cables need time to burn in and turntables are not the best place for that to happen as the signal is so small and not continuous,” said the company. “This is one of the reasons why Tellurium Q developed a little bit of kit to pre-burn every single one of these for two-three days before they leave the factory. So there is certainly going to be a bottleneck to supply.”
So will similar cables be issued at other price points? Apparently not, “This Statement tonearm cable is the first (and possibly the only) DIN to RCA tonearm cable.”
In which case, start saving, price is £3600.
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