The Article
10th July 2020

Now offered at an even more attractive price, Paul Rigby reviews the 3050i speakers
These floor standing speakers have always offered good value for money.
But I noticed that the priced had dropped further – so I thought a YouTube review was in order.
Oh and I’ve tweaked the format a bit. Hope you like it. More tweaks will be introduced in the future.
May this time be known in the annals as the Summer of Tweaks.
To see the video, click the image below…
Hi Paul, have this speakers and i’m looking for a new amplifier. Do you think this speakers would pair good with Audiolabs 6000A? You’ve reviewed both, but would like to know if you where able to try them together?
Hi Juan – sure, both would work fine with each other.
Hi Paul
Your reviews are amazing
Do you think that
Bowers & Wilkins 606 S2 Anniversary Edition will be an upgrade to 3050i
In terms of
Soundstage & Imaging?
Thanks shay
Hi Shay – many thanks for your kind words. And I don’t know, is the answer I’m afraid. I’ve had a casual listen to the 606 speakers but have not done a formal comparison with the 3050i speakers. I’d say that the 3050i speakers give you a larger soundstage, grander you might say although the bass on the 606 speakers is good.