The Article
9th May 2022

Orchard Audio has announced the release of PecanPi DAC, Streamer, and Streamer Ultra Rev 3.0
The Pecan Pi major update for rev 3.0 devices is the addition of a S/PDIF (coax) input.
The rev 3.0 devices also use lower noise linear regulators and give you the option to have RCA outputs built-in.
The S/PDIF input allows the PecanPi devices and Starkrimson Streamer Ultra to operate as a standalone DAC allowing you to connect them directly to digital transports like CD players, TVs, computers, laptops, and more.
The S/PDIF input has an automatic switch over that takes audio from the S/PDIF connection when there is a valid signal.
When no valid signal is available on the S/PDIF interface the device defaults back to streaming.
The Pecan Pi Rev 3.0 streamer is priced at $549.
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