The Article
23rd August 2024

Fancy checking out a range of exclusive videos, archival reviews and comment pieces? Here’s a selection of what’s going on within my Patreon page
Residing within the upper tier is another look at the venerable Olive 4HD digital entertainment centre. I originally reviewed this one in HiFi World many moons ago but I’ve added a few comments and I note that you can still pick these things up on places like eBay.
Also new out is my archive interview with Pure Pleasure, the UK vinyl label and how they created the large Art Pepper jazz-based vinyl box set. You can still pick these up too so this piece might be of use if you’re in the market.

More? In a minute or two after I type these words, I will be posting a new, exclusive video on Patreon, HiFi News, Etc. featuring the latest news and music trivia. There’s also an Ad-Free option for those who prefer that direction.
I also have an early look at the new Music Alerts video. That was actually uploaded yesterday. Again, an Ad-Free option is available.

There’s also a host of Buyers Guides, text-based music features, room tour and other treasures accessible via a quick search. It’s a hub, gotta say.
If you would like a browse – and there’s no commitments here, you can back out at any time – check out