The Article
19th December 2022

It’s getting close, folks. The ol’ tummy is beginning to wobble a bit with the thought of a visit by Father Christmas…
…still got to wrap pressies but the sellotape is under starter’s orders, the food is on the way, the tree is up and packed with twinkles, my wife is looking a beautiful as ever…what more can a man wish for at this time of year, eh?
I also wanted to thank you all for your support and especially for your contributions this year. After all, what is this place without the questions and the answers and the help sought and proffered?
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas or holiday time or whatever is going on in your life at this time. At the very least, I hope you have a break and time to relax and collect your thoughts.
I also hope you have a peaceful and prosperous New Year and I look forward to seeing you all in 2023.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to jingle a few bells.
[Image by Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay]
Ha ha you old smoothie, you’re trying to get a few brownie points back from Mrs Audiophile after all that sitting around listening to music for the last 12 months.
Have a great Christmas, we all look forward to more reviews and hi-fi news in 2023.
I know Mrs A roams social media, so it doesn’t hurt 🙂 Merry Christmas Trevor!
…and thanks for your thoughtful and entertaining contributions to audio enthusiasts throughout 2022. Long may they continue. All the best.
Merry Christmas Andy and thank you.
Happy Holidays! Enjoy your family, friends, food, and a little music to warm your soul. Best wishes from Florida.
Very nice of you, Joseph. Thanks you.
Hi Paul,
And the same to you,and yours. Many thanks for your informative FB pages,long may they continue in 2023 and beyond. Cheers Ian
Thanks Ian!
Hi Paul
Happy holiday , wish you and your family happiness and joy
Thanks for all of reviews and articles, you are a reference for me in terms of audio and I have bought equipment based on your reviews and I am very satisfied with all of them,
I wish you a very happy christmas time with your family.
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina (New FIFA world champion 🙂 )
That’s very nice of you to say, Gustavo. Thank you for your support. I do appreciate it. Have a lovely Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Stay healthy for me and I hope you have a prosperous 2023.
Happy Christmas Gustavo. One hell of a final.
Enjoy being champions üèÜ
Greetings Paul…
Certainly enjoy your reviews and commentary. If anyone would ever think you could be an ‘audio grinch’ , they need to re-read the new post…it reveals you’re an old sentimentalist. :^)