The Article
Layla AION Earphones From Astell&Kern
9th August 2019

Working with Jerry Harvey Audio, the Layla AION earphones are manufactured in Orlando, Florida from a carbon fibre block
The Layla earphones are powered by soundrIVe. That’s 12 Drivers per side: quad low, quad mid, and quad high proprietary balanced armatures while 3D printed chambers house the 12 driver configuration.
Something called freqphase is a patented technology for “…correct phase and time alignment of all frequencies,” said the company.
An Acoustic Sound Chamber tube system is included to keep sweat away and alleviate the need for excessive cleaning. Silver-Plated Litz Wire Cable with 7-pin Connector is utilised with a German-made, “military grade” (everything seems to be military grade these days), Iridium connector designed to create a tight grip at connection, while easing insertion and removal. Built-in O-rings keep the connection between the cable and earpiece sweat proof. The “robust” cable will reportedly not oxidise and features upgraded memory wire around the ear.
Includes 3.5mm unbalanced to balanced 2.5mm 4-pole connector cable, Astell&Kern logo embedded in the Faceplate, carbon carrying cases and a variety of tips.
For a list of audio dealers that carry the Astell&Kern line, please visit
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Layla Aion review???????????
I’ll put it on my ‘to do’ list Boris.