The Article
1st July 2018

Company: Kirmuss Audio or the European office
Product: KA-RC-1 Record Cleaning Machine
In this report from the recent North West Audio Show, Paul Rigby talks to Kevin Jackson about the new KA-RC-1 record cleaning machine.
This machine has already generated some comment online along with a variety of criticisms. Which is why I’ve retained this long, four part, interview ‘as is’, to provide as much information as possible.
To listen to the interview, click on the sound file player, below:
Part 1:
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Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:
That was very interesting. I’m not in the market for such a machine, not enough space and my vinyl collection is not that huge – but there are plenty of useful tips there for when I do use my manual record cleaner. Never thought I should clean a brand new record! Thanks Paul.
Thanks for that, Chris. Yes, a new record should always be cleaned but I think Kirmuss’ explanation re. the release agent point in the interview needs more investigation…which is what I’m currently doing 🙂
iDesr Paul, what is the price of such a machine?
Thanks for your question – I think that information is contained within the interview.
Any updates on the Kirmuss rcm? I’m very interested in this but there are a couple of question marks over the use of chemicals and some of the claims.
Hi Jonathan – it‚Äôs currently being reviewed but it‚Äôs taking time because of my own independent research. Hopefully that won‚Äôt go on for too long.
It’s been four years. Any update? Thanks!
Update of what, Volker?