The Article
5th November 2021

Lots of HiFi news on video for you, this time around – 10 pieces in all. Hope you like it! Includes products from Linn, iFi, Transparent, Audioengine, Mobile Fidelity, Falcon and more!
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I thought I should let you know that recently your regular emails, when on Google mail, are coming up saying that many people are marking them as possibly dangerous. When they arrive on my btinternet page they are fine but when they move to my googlemail page the warning appears as a big red banner. Seems odd.
Well that’s the first I’ve heard, Andrew. Last time I looked in the mirror I didn’t look especially dangerous. Unless I’m giving myself a wet shave and then it can be a bit dicey, I’ll give you that. Could this be something relating to your platform in terms of the firewall, anti-virus software, other related switches?