The Article
18th August 2023

Got five News items for you plus Trivia plus an extended cassette-based Hint & Tip focusing on tape recording, dos and don’ts and all that jazz.
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Hi Paul.
Here is my impressions of Audiolab/Wharfdale combination… from my hobby writing about hi-fi.
“I visited a second friend who has an Audiolab 6000 amp Audiolab CDP connected to Wharfdale 4.1 speakers. I was very glad to hear 4.1 speakers and Audiolab combo which both received good reviews. But.. but… but… I was disappointed. The sound presentation and bass output was weaker than I had expected on a basiss of reviews. It sounds like ” a shelf lamp with weak bulb”. Despite speakers being on a shelf just about cca 25 cm from a front wall (and more than 2 m apart) there was no adequate bass, or better to say, everything sounded laid back and dark. The only good thing was AMT tweeter which was airy and nice. When we cranked amp up from half power to over 3/4 the music somehow came out in the room, but then compression/distortion became apparent. I guess this little and nice looking Wharfdales would need a proper amp to drive them – at least I hope so. So… I do not know what the heck some reviewers are hearing and talking about, when they claim that this combination of 4.1’s and Audiolb 6000 is a good match?? The system plays nice, but behind a curtain. Maybe ok for bedroom or nice sounding alarm clock. I also got the impression that Audiloab 6000 can be a nice sounding, balanced amp, but with a bit more sensitive speakers. And that was the case when we plugged in HL’s. Then music came out somehow alive in the room.”
What would be your comment on this – would you agree that AL6000 can not drive Wharfdales 4.1 to its potential, or 4.1’s are just limited speakares? Because I’ve had not match them with some other more capable amp
Kind regards, Maj
Hi Maj – you position your speakers on a shelf? And the speaker cabinet touches that shelf?