The Article
19th October 2018

Company: MusicWorks
Product: Role speakers
In this report from the recent Festival of Sound 2018, Paul Rigby talks to MusicWorks’ Larry Ogden about the new Role speakers.
To hear the interview, click on the play button, below:
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I am trying to understand the main thrust of the Role speaker that they are ‘time accurate speaker that from bass to treble everything is kept in time’ So in implied terms is this Role speaker more time accurate than consumer purpose ATC speakers such as the SCM11, SCM19, SCM40 speakers or even the proffesional ATC speakers used in recording studios because of this ‘Transmission line technology’?
Thanks for your comments Romulus and, well, I‚Äôm trying to get my head around them too, to be honest. I can only guess that it might have something to do with tonal accuracy and focus but I intend to grab a pair, when I‚Äôm able, to find out 🙂