The Article
Essence Monoblock Amplifiers from Gryphon
22nd August 2019

This Essence monoblock design uses a custom-built shielded, high current toroidal transformer with dual windings for left and right channel
There’s more, as you might expect. The output stage and driver stage for the Essence monoblocks uses separate power supplies to aid isolation of the output stage from the input stage. A separate transformer for control and display circuitry isolates them from the signal path.
Based on Class A topology (“True, pure Class A means heavy transformers, very large heatsinks, lots of heat, lots of electricity, expensive parts and costly assembly,” said the company), the output section uses Sanken bipolar output devices, 20 transistors per unit too, “These transistors can be called upon to deliver massive amounts of momentary peak power without overload,” said the company.
The separate driver section has its own power supply from individual windings on the custom-made toroidal transformers offering thermal tracking between drivers and output devices. The driver section features its own bank of high quality capacitors.
Heatsink temperature is monitored by a thermistor. In the event of overheating (for temperatures in excess of 90° C), the amplifier will shut down.
Normal operation will resume when a safe operating temperature is reached. Price? A hot and sweaty £37,380 for the pair.
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