The Article
16th November 2022

We recently lost a major figure in the HiFi industry, designer Glenn Croft, creator of the famous Croft amplifiers
I wanted to post an earlier acknowledgement of Glenn Croft’s untimely death but the man – and his company – value their privacy so details have been hard to find.
I did hear unconfirmed reports that Glenn (65) was involved in a motorbike accident and then noted that the Croft website was down.
I then heard reports from his friend Matt O’Donoghue that, “It was Glenn’s express wish that when he was gone also his amplifiers (his legacy) go with him. With that intention in mind I have this afternoon instructed that servers at be deleted. This will most likely be in effect by tomorrow evening.
“Anyone who wishes to archive reviews or pictures or anything from the site should do so as a matter of urgency. I own the copyright for many of the pictures on the site, I am happy for anyone to use pictures for their own non commercial use with Glenn’s final wishes in mind.
“Of course the many loyal dealers who still own stock are free to do as they wish with those stocks. Anything on the bench not currently completed will remain as is. As sad as this is to many that is what Glenn wanted and he will always be the boss.”
Glenn Croft represented old school in HiFi terms. He was praised for his attention to detail, his sense of humour and, above all, the personal contact he retained with his customers.
As for his products? They were oft praised for their quality and real-world prices. I noted one poster in the Pink Fish Media forum who stated, “I like the fact that his amps have an understated appearance and aren’t called Platinum Laboratory Reference Statement Ultra Series or whatever like so much equipment that looks like it’s just trying a bit too hard.”
Which sums up Croft nicely, I think.
Our thoughts are with Glenn’s family and friends at this time.
Tragic, I had considered his amplifiers just last week as second GEN of my system. I am sure they will command a premium going forward, rightfully so. Godspeed Glenn
Thanks Paul for the lovely tribute to our man Glenn. As a Croft owner most of my hi fi life I have to say my dealings with Glenn were on a different level to anyone else in the business. His sense of humour and the fantastic personal contact with his customers was legendary. I‚Äôm sure others here will tell their own stories. Here‚Äôs one of mine; It was around Christmas time when a huge package arrived at my door. I immediately knew what it was so I hid it in the middle bedroom until the coast was clear. When the right time finally arrived I literally tore into the box and found another box enclosed. Groan! Eventually I managed to get to the prize and I gazed at it in total awe for several minutes. It was the brand new Epoch Elite preamp with its brass knobs and mirror like front plate. I was ecstatic. But wait, what was this I found underneath all the padding? A white envelope. Inside was a Christmas card from Glenn himself! When I opened it Jingle Bells wafted around my startled ears.! I laughed out loud so hard I nearly fell on top of the amplifier lying on the floor! Now what was so funny about that after all it was only a card? Ah but here‚Äôs the rub. My surname is BELL üõé That I think sums up the man perfectly. Finally he was mostly always available when one needed advice or help but not during the cricket season! Another time a transformer sat down and he, not only showed me how to test the faulty culprit, but sent me another one free of charge. Sorry I‚Äôll have to stop right there or we‚Äôll be here all day and all night! Such stories. Such a man. A legend has just left us and leaves the world a much poorer place. God bless you Glenn.
That is a great story and memorial. I feel lucky to have a Croft amp. Must never let it go, except to children. Thanks for sharing this story.
All the best from Canada.
Sheldon Marcellus
I bought the Croft Integrated R amplifier about a year ago. I have just read the news of Glenn’s passing..
So Matt Donahue – why the haste to take the Croft Acoustics down? I didn’t get the chance to download anything.
Simply as that was the request as relayed via his housemate and co-worker. I put the site up as requested and it seemed that that was what was wanted. I didn’t question further. Sorry
Oh no! Terrible news. RIP.
Sad news indeed.
I didn’t know about his premature departure until one of my Series 7R monoblocks broke down, only to discover that there seems to be no support for his production.
Can anyone advise on a solution? I live in Brittany, and I doubt that any technician will be able to fix it without the schematics.
Have you tried contacting Adrian Parsons of Audioflair? He might be able to help.
Very well said Paul,
No motorcycle accident, Glenn didn’t ride bikes. He passed away in his sleep.
Sorely missed.
I’ve recently bought a second hand Croft Integrated R amplifier. Now my intention is to make one or two minor modifications on it. Can anyone provide me with its schematics, or, at least, its block diagram?
Dear João, if you find this schematic please forward it to me as I have a consistent problem I can’t solve without a schematic. Thanks, Maarten