The Article
6th November 2020

Paul Rigby firstly looks at broad issues regarding buying an integrated amplifier then examines a range of integrated amplifiers from differing price points
This video is mainly aimed at the beginner. It’s also the first is a planned series. Other, more specialist amplifier videos are planned for the future.
For now? Hopefully everyone can take something away from this one.
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Hi Paul
Great to see some valve options in your list. I’d like to offer an alternative at the top price point:
Art Audio Diavolo Integrated (3 inputs. 300B SET, made in the UK and upgradeable).
It’s not cheap but not insanely expensive either and the sound quality… . It’s my ‘forever amp’.
Thanks John!
My favourite integrated is my current integrated, a Leben CS-300XS 15 watt integrated, but with the necessary change of replacing the Sovtek valves with NOS Amperex valves. The two 12AX7 were replaced with Amperex Medical Grade (low noise), the four EL-84 with Amperex Hammond organ valves.
For phone stage I run a Leben RS-30EQ, the valves it came with just fine, but being a MM, and my using a MC cartridge (Phasemation PP-2000), I have had to put in a pair of Phasemation T-2000 step up transformers in line with it. It may seem lopsided to run £15,000 worth of cartridge and SUTs into a £3000 phono amp and £3500 Integrated, albeit with NOS Amperex valves, but it sings beautifully.
Hi Paul,
what’s your opinion on the Sugden A21 a integrated amp?
I’m able to get one used for around ‚Ǩ750, -/¬£650, -.
Form my limited experience, I like it. Never properly reviewed it, though.
Hi Paul,
thanks for the honest reply.
I already bought the Sugden and it sounds great. Kind of tuby, warm sound.
Now the list goes on!
I need a good phonoamp.
I know, I knows, you made a review concerning them.
Musical Fidelity LX2 LPS/V90 LPS?
Lehmann Black Cube?
What’s your budget, Alex?
Hi Paul,
my Budget is around €500, -.
Hi Alex – my own favourite at that price point is this:
thanks for recommending the moon phonoamp.
I’ll keep that in mind.
And I have yet another question for you. (Seem to become more and more questions)
Should I consider upgrading the Ortofon 2m path, that means from a 2m Red up to Bronze and eventually Black or should I go the Mc path such AS Ortofon Quintett Red, Blue…?
My point is does a good and expensive Mm cart keep up with a decently priced Mc cartridge?
As long as your turntable, tonearm and phono amp can support it, then a MC cartridge is ultimately the way to go in terms of accessing a higher-end sound. MM carts can sound excellent though and shouldn’t be dismissed. A demo is a recommended option because there’s nothing like hearing the things for yourself to fully understand what I’m getting at.
Thanks for your help, Paul.
I appreciate it.