Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearms

7th March 2019

Company: Sorane

Product: ZA-12 Tonearm & 1.2BCS Tonearm

In this report from the recent Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019, Paul Rigby continues his chat with Mr Hiroshi Ishihara of Youtek Ltd. Japan, the Marketing and World Sales Manager for the Sorane brand.

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm


One thing I didn’t talk about in the sound file was price information. Hence:

ZA-12 tonearm, silver anodised 12” tonearm £1,949

ZA-12 tonearm, black anodised 12” tonearm £2,199 

ZA-12 High mass sub weight £299 

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm


The tonearm’s cable plugs arrive as RCA as standard but you can buy XLR balanced cables  to special order. Apparently, you need to allow 5-6 weeks. Contact the company for price information on that.

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm


To hear the interview, click on the play button, below:

Audio Player

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Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm

Negative and Positive balance, here (and below) shown on a SA1.2BCS arm

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm


Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm

SA1.2BCS (above and below)

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm

ZA-12 tonearm [above and below]

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2019: Sorane Tonearm