The Article
X250T Integrated Amplifier On YouTube
30th June 2020

Imposing, intriguing and a little quirky, Paul Rigby gets his ears around this large, integrated amplifier
This integrated pumps out 150W into 8 Ohms.
It also offers a phono amplifier via a plug-in module.
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Can u xpain to me why nobody in the audio media reviews direct from China audio. I have purchased a Tim de paravacini clone and kimber 12 tc copies etc. The prices r a fraction of the UK and are considerably cheaper and the performance is impressive. You can get the 5 thousand pound amp or types like it for 3 or 500 or 1000 that u r reviewing. The valve amps from China r far cheaper than ikon audio. Many different non hi fi press types say these amps even the cheapest ones sound great. The lack of comment reviews in hi fi world etc reek of anti Japanese protectionism early 80s style is in evidence. Obviously the media r not going to recommend people buy from China. The xcessive profiteering of the UK shops is obvious and crass and wud be under threat
Hi Matt – check out my review of the Topping E30 DAC: Direct from China. I have another product in my review queue with a similar derivation.
Part of the problem – at least in the past, things are changing rapidly I know – is the lack of knowledge about the industry there. Some companies offer quality and great value but others are out for a quick buck and damn the quality. And we often don’t know the difference and if we’re ever burned by an experience, some writers/stockists are overly wary. That is, some companies over there are not exactly straight and true while illegal piracy is rife (I hope the products you have there are not pirated copies). Products look good but they overheat, break down, sound worse than they look, etc. Some we reviewed at HiFi World in the past were positively dangerous. I remember grabbing a mini integrated amp to review once and I thought it would melt, it ran so hot. As I say, that’s changing now and more reviews are appearing to reflect that. Finding a trustworthy filter over there is a good start. That’s what I’ve done, for example and that’s why you’ll be seeing more Chinese products reviewed by myself, for example.