The Article
27th August 2021

Balanced Audio Technology’s valve-based integrated amplifier includes triode-balanced architecture, fuse-less valve protection and automatic-bias circuits
This new amplifier pushes out 55W per channel via triode 6C33C-B valves.
And no valve fuses? That’s been included to purify the sound. This bit has nothing to do with the mains power, it’s to do with the valves. Pushing the sound through fuses means that sound has another fence to cross. Removing them increases sound quality. If an output tube does become over-stressed, the whole unit shuts down via a tried and tested circuit protection scheme that is in this amplifier. You can carry on by starting the amp up agin.
The VK80i eliminates the need to set and readjust the bias of the output valves.
The automatic bias design adjusts for changing line voltage and ageing tubes, with each output valve having its own dedicated bias circuit.
Available in black or silver, the VK80i uses a total of four 6SN7 and 6C33C-B valves. Eight in all. A remote control is included.
Available in silver or black, spanning 431 x 203 x 406mm, and weighing in at 20.4kg, it’s priced at £9,995. You can buy in September 2021.
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