The Article
Michell TecnoDec turntable: Can the oldie still hack it?
22nd June 2017

The resurgence in the popularity of vinyl has triggered a similar growth in the design and production of new turntables but can the older models still compete? Paul Rigby tries one of them, the Michell TecnoDec
Although some of you will be all too familiar with Michell, there will be many readers out there who are scratching their heads and wondering what on earth I’m on about because they will never have heard of the TecnoDec or, quite possibly, Michell itself. Yet, both the turntable and the company are English through and through and both have been around for a long, long time and both continue to thrive. The turntable itself was the final design from the company’s own private genius, John Michell, who sadly passed away in 2003. Hence, this deck is 14 years old. Too old for many to even contemplate as a possible hi-fi purchase. Primarily because society tells us that, where technology is concerned, new is good and old is bad. In many cases, this is a wise dictum but you have to remember that turntables especially are a breed apart. Why? Because they rely less on sell-by-date electronics and more on solid engineering. The company and this turntable is packed with that, certainly. So, on that score alone, it is worth a second look.
Michell has never really shouted about its products and some have even declared, rather frustratingly, that it is actually far too reticent for its own good. Others, in the industry say that, despite the age of the products, the company still charges way too little for them.
Because the outfit is British, it stems from an age when independent outfits sprouted their products from ye olde workshops (Michell’s still exists and works, actually) and, also in keeping with the traditional image, it provides a high quality after sales service. One of the very best in the business, in fact. The latter, on its own, should make you perk up and take notice.
For Michell, the TechnoDec represents the budget option, exhibiting a low-noise DC motor and impedance-matched platter of it’s own, high-priced, GyroDec. The TecnoDec sits in a rather elevated position on a solid-plinth design with spindly, damped feet.
The turntable, weighing in at 4.6kg and spanning 490 x 310 x 85mm, has a platter that combines both acrylic and vinyl. If you dig a little deeper, you will notice that it utilises a rather ingenious oil-pumping inverted bearing.
The turntable, which is finished in black acrylic with aluminium metal parts, doesn’t arrive with an arm as standard, you will need to buy one of those, in addition to the turntable itself. To get you going, the TechnoDec does provide a Rega-type arm board the will cope with most arms. I used a TecnoArm for the review but a budget option would be the lower cost Rega RB202.
There’s an optional record clamp, which I’ve grabbed for the review. Actually, Michell produced the very first. That’s right, Michell invented the thing. John Michell did try to patent the idea but the Patent Office declared that the design was not significant enough to warrant their attention. Can you believe that? One wonders how much money the company has lost as a result.
I started the sound tests with Manchester’s own rock outfit, The Fall. A band who initially were lumped into the punk genre but who have now invented their own genre called Mark E. Smith. I started with an original pressing of the band’s debut, Live At The Witch Trials and the track, Frightened.
The TecnoDec provided an unsullied, fresh and honest overall sound. That is, there were no messy frequencies that got in the way. The soundstage was both tidy and efficient with no irregular or irritating sonic oddities. This is generally a ‘good thing’ because it meant that the music could do its thing without any hassle and with some measure of focus. It also meant that detail abounded.
Arguably, the drums is the most important dominant instrument on this song and, as with any dominant instrument, it threatens to swamp the song and mask other instruments. In this case the sounds under threat emanated from the electric piano and the shy bass guitar but, via the TecnoDec, the big drum sound was kept in check. Hence, even subtle detail from these secondary directions were heard without too much problem.
This precision gave the music extra air and space to manoeuvre. That very space was then utilised by other subtleties such as minor reverb tails that, when added together, gave the sound a naturalistic flow.
I was intrigued by the bass from the TecnoDec. It was not large or powerful in terms of absolute size and mass but it did retain punch. Yet, in this rock track, it did not hit me across the face with a Batman-esque bam and, indeed, pow. Rock fans might want to think seriously about this sonic aspect. Instead, the bass precision from the TecnoDec tightened the lower frequencies and actually enhanced and improved the character, for the price. Why? Well we’re back to those flailing bits of frequencies. Via the TecnoDec, the bass provided core information while improving transient speed. Any TecnoDec-driven track is thus fast, unsullied and unpolluted of any sense of bloom or lower frequency dragging.
The personality of both the midrange and treble was in the cool and neutral sectors. Nevertheless, the delicacy and fragility to be had from the TecnoDec in this frequency region was impressive. This harsh rock track revealed, in its early sections, a unity of tone within early cymbal taps that were just exciting to experience for this price bracket.
The frantically played electric guitar was examined carefully by the TechnoDec, as its notes were stretched and widened, giving the ear a host of tiny and informative details while the electric piano might not have offered a requisite growl as it hit full pelt, it did provide an articulation which added to the rich layering of this track via the TecnoDec.
Female vocal jazz from Sandra King was next as she tackled Henry Mancini’s , In The Art of Love. King gives a big, bold, open and slightly nasal delivery, especially when the song would hit crescendos. The TechnoDec was able to follow these nuanced vocal textures without a problem. Even the space around the brass section of the backing orchestra was measured and found to be of a different quality to the space around the vocal. The TechnoDec was able to convey a sense of space and imagery that enhanced the sense of realism in the song’s presentation. Drums were also tracked successfully. Notable was its separation and positing compared to the subtle acoustic guitar that lay adjacent to it.
Meanwhile, the piano, which generally sounded like it was emailed three months later than the actual recording and stuck on with Blu-tack on the front of the mix, actually made some sort of sense here.
I walked into this review wondering if the TecnoDec still had a place in today’s market for analogue fans. That combination of top-notch engineering and revealing sound quality provided a very large thumbs up for this esteemed and slightly kooky turntable design. Yes, hard rock fans might want to consider their options in terms of bass output but the turntable’s punchy and informative lower frequencies still impress. More than that, the clean and open soundstage will attract many audiophile’s on their own. Don’t forget too that this company will not abandon you when you buy from them. They are there for the long haul and will provide quality support for many years to come.
Price: £775 (basic turntable with no arm) Michell TechnoArm, £600 or Rega RB202 tonearm for £199.
Tel: 0208 953 0771
GOOD: treble fragility, midrange detail, clean and spacious soundstage, build quality
BAD: Heavy bass fans might think twice
Rega RP3 turntable
Trichord Dino phono amplifier
Rega Brio-R amplifier
Spendor S3/5R2 speakers
Tellurium Q cables
Harmonic Resolution Systems Noise Reduction Components
All vinyl was cleaned using Audio Desk’s Ultrasonic Pro Vinyl Cleaner
This Michell could be the only table a person needs.
I got the impression that this was going to be a head-to-head comparison with a “modern” deck. I would like to see something like this in the future, e.g., current budget models vs a well-kept classic through the same system.
I did gauge the performance re the reference turntable (equipment listed at the base of the review) plus brief listens to a Wilson Benesch Circle and Carbon Record Master (not listed because the comparisons where not too in depth). I do not like head-to-heads, though. They are limited in form and narrow in scope and satisfy only a few people. They also don’t work in absolute terms. I’ve tried every variant of review over the many years I’ve worked as a journalist and this approach is by far the best. Bottom line, though? Pick a journalist style that you like, there’s plenty of us out there 🙂 I have my favourite methods, others have theirs.
Hi Paul
Thanks for the review – I’ve had one a Tecnodec for a few years and love it ! Just had an internal and external rewire done by Origin LIve, and over the years have upgraded with a tecnoweight etc. Any favourite MM Cartridge for the Tecnodec? I have an Ortofon 2m Red on it , which is ok, but believe I’m only at the start of the Dec’s potential? Thanks Peter.
Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the TecnoDec, Peter. In terms of cartridge? If you like the sound of the Ortofon, I’d recommend the 2M Black, often called ‘the best MM cart on the planet’ by many of my colleagues 🙂
I use the AT-OC9 mk3 on my TecnoDec (and arm). It all sounds wonderful even though it doesn’t help in the “lack off bass” but the mids and highs shine like on no other. Other contestant is the Benz Micro Ace.
Thanks for your thoughts, Jay.
Hi, I’ve had my TechnoDec Origin Live Silver Tonearm Goldring 2500 MM cartridge for just over a year now, I have to say it’s a cracking turntable and it looks stunning. I use it with a Lehmann Audio Black Cube SEII into Naim Unitiqute2 Nap 100 Power amplifier. It’s great to see it reviewed here and I’d appreciate your opinion on choice of cartridge as I’m thinking of possibly changing to something like the Hana SL or Rega Ania MC cartridges or possibly Ortofon 2M Black or Quintet Black MC. Would I see a vast improvement over the Goldring which I find quite a bright sound. Any opinions? Many thanks for such a great, detailed review website!
Nice little system, you’ve got yourself there Saul. I think moving coil would move you up the sonic ladder and the TecnoDec would be a suitable vehicle for that. I’d suggest the Hana as a great value for money start point on the MC journey.
Many thanks for your advice Paul, I’ve had my eye on the Hana for a while now, do you think the Hana SL is better than the high output SH version?
Have a read of my review on that one, Saul. See which one allies itself to your tastes:
Yep, the power supply should be on your ‘to buy’ list. Go for the Hana first and then the power supply.
Thanks Paul, I’ve had my eye on the Hanas for a while now. If you’ve heard them, which one do you think is best the SL or the SH? Also given my current cartridge is quite top of the line, would I be better off investing in the Michell HR power supply as an upgrade? Do you think this is a worthwhile upgrade for a TecnoDec? Have you heard one with the upgraded power supply? Your thoughts are much appreciated?
How is this compare to the New Rega P3?
I would stick with the Michell, Patrik. But I would cuddle the Michell in terms of support and isolation to get the best out of it.
Dear Paul,
Enjoy reading your review on the techno Dec.
Do you like the gyro or will do a test with a top tonearm?
Can you advice I have a project RPM 5.2RED it has chord chorus 2 connects, spendor Speakers & rumours cable.
Jvc amp high end,
Mains upgrade & hifi upgrade mains.
Would I benefit from a top ortofon cartridge?
or better to save & buy Mitchell gyro with sme or origin arm at a later date?
Hi Neil – yes, I like the Gyro but have yet to do a full test. I did ask Michell and they’re lovely people but they are a forgetful bunch when it comes to irritating journalists demanding review kit from them 🙂 I’ve asked 3-4 times and they’ve been very nice and said yes every time. One day, I’ll get it, I’m sure.
As for the Pro-Ject. A tough one because I haven’t compared the two. My advice? If you still get lots of enjoyment from the Pro-JEct then, yes, upgrade your cart. What’s your budget?
Hi Paul,
I’ve now upgraded my project 5 RPM with an Ortofon 2m Black, new chord signature interconnect, I’ve also upgraded the power supply from my mains with a supra mains power lead,
Changed the marantz ki cd players mains lead to a russ Andrew purple power chord,
The high end JVC amp has mc & mm phono so kept for now & fitted a new mains lead to the amp, its a chord silver super screen thick blue mains power lead now.
Interconnects are chord signature on my marantz ki cd player & chord chorus 2..
I’m running in my New Spendor A1 speakers you recommended which are far superior to the b&w 110i I had & (b&w 685 s2 I was going to upgrade to)
The Spendor Speakers are run on chord rumours 2 cable.
So my question is should I upgrade the amp mains to chord signature or concentrate on replacing the rumours 2 to chord signature speaker cable when funds improve.
Many thanks for your help & info,
I’d start with the amp mains, Neil.
Thanks Paul,
I’ve got a blue thick Chord super screen lead on the amp at mo. Is that not good enough, do I need the chord signature lead?
So leave the speaker chord signature speaker cable for now.
Thanks for any info Paul
Nice but you could do better, Neil. Depends on your budget of course. What type of amp is it exactly?
Hi Paul, prob 500-£1000 tops for the project. Thanks
I would look at Hana:
Dear Paul, do you have experience with the OL record weight? Would you recommend it or any other weight/clamp for that matter? I would like to use one with my Michell Tecnodec.
Sidenote: I recently bought a Tecnodec together with the Tecnoarm and a Nagaoka MP200 – I couldn’t be happier! As you wrote the build quality is superb, customer service as well and I really love the sound. When I auditioned the turntable in the store I was able to listen to it with a standard Rega OEM 202 and with the Tecnoarm, which really makes a big difference.
Also I found that using the turntable with the Michell Isolation base made a huge and immediate difference (bigger soundstage, tighter bass, everything kind of ‘snappier’), although I don’t know if it has to be that particular base or if similar improvements could be achieved with an Ikea chopping board as well (a lot of dyi recommendations out there).
Anyway thanks for this review, which only strengthend my resolve to buy this table!
Glad I could be of help, Christoph – I haven’t reviewed the OL weight but I do like the HRS stabilisers which not only ‘stabilise’ but also absorb noise through the material in the chassis. Check out this review:
The ADL might be one to look at.
Great, thank’s a lot.
Hi Paul,
it was such an inspiration and for two years I own a Michell Tecnodec with an Origin Silver MK3 tonearm. I switched from a Nagaoka MP-200 to the MP-500 and as a phone stage I had the Lindemann phono but changed to a Leben30 because of my CS300XS.
I am still very satisfied because I can compare it to a Rega P6 with my former Nagaoka MP-200 with its origin arm in my dining room.
I have just one big question and cannot find an answer. I think that the motor is little bit too fast. It’s just tested with my phone and an app but it shows a speed of 33.6 instead of 33.3. Where could adapt the speed? I cannot find any support or manuals or possibilities…
The power supply upgrade at the top of the page – via this link – might be of use:
Very impressed with all the questions and answers, even if I don’t understand half of what is being discussed!
So I thought I’d try with one of my own….I have been offered a Michell turntable; I thought it was described as a MicroDec, but I’m thinking it was meant to be a Tecnodec?
I was thinking of upgrading my Pro-Ject Expression 2 with a Rega Planar 3……connect to a Rega Brio amp and Rega Apollo Cd player. The speakers are Band W 601s in a very small room, wall mounted, a couple of inches off the wall. However the problem is, the turntable will have to be just in front of and below a speaker……….
Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated, thank you.
You work with the space you have 🙂 Just make sure that the turntable is isolated and supported well. So a wall-mounted shelf is useful to minimise vibration while a hifi shelving unit is also a good alternative. In action, isolating feet are recommended to reduce vibrations further. I’d need a budget to recommend anything to you, though.