The Article
18th May 2021

Here’s an old column of mine from 2007 and an interview with Kai Seeman, the CEO of audiophile vinyl label, the German-based Speakers Corner
Just to prove that my rejigged Patreon page is not all about videos…in this piece, Seeman voices his philosophy on the production of modern vinyl reissues and how they should produced while the CEO of the US-based Sundazed label, Bob Irwin, pitches in. The information here is still relevant today. With the proliferation of record labels and the improvement in turntable technologies out there, possibly more so.

This is an exclusive post published for Patreon members.
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I think it’s a shame you seem to have gone full-on Patreon. I understand the need to monetise (I myself have been using online platforms to subsidise my lifestyle for some time), but I know you earn commission as an affiliate when readers like me buy your recommendations via the links you supply. It’s a shame that’s not enough but I don’t feel I should be forced “into a corner” to read your reviews by becoming a paying subscriber, since I’m more interested in your music reviews rather than hardware, so I’m quite selective about what I read anyway.
It’s been a fun ride, but time for me to hit the unsubscribe button.
All the best,
No-one is forcing you to do anything, Ray. I’m a little mystified. I still provide editorial, as per usual, I still provide YouTube videos – same again. The Patreon option is an addition to all of that. Not instead of.
As for going ‘full-on Patreon’ – the idea is that it will hopefully free up more time for me to contribute editorial to this site from which you will benefit, if you enjoy that editorial.
Why? Because my life as The Audiophile Man is not a full time thing. As it is, I spend too large a part of my month working for other people, trying to top up my income to pay bills. I’d rather not work for them and contribute more articles to readers of this site. Patreon will hopefully enable me to do that.
As for the music reviews – as I stated in a Patreon news item published on this site (maybe you missed that?) – the Patreon videos will be translated into text for publication on this website a little later, after the video version has been published on Patreon. The only difference is that Patreon subscribers get early access and a video presentation. That’s it. So again, I’m not sure what you’re losing here.
And the income I receive via affiliate links is tiny indeed. Welcome, don’t get me wrong, but nothing to retire on 🙂