The Article
Site Etiquette: A Few Timely Words
9th March 2022

A short piece on how to conduct yourself when you are on this website – not that I should even have to be typing this in the first place but well, here we are…
I’m not the first person running a website, YouTube channel, Facebook group or any other forum to post this sort of thing but I thought it necessary to snip a few buds, pull a few weeds and focus, as Spring is here, on a gamut of other gardening/behavioural metaphors.
Most of the people who use, interact and converse on this website are frankly, lovely people. It wouldn’t be a stretch to describe the tone of this site akin to being a member of a ‘family’. And I’m not talking Corleone, either. The comments posted here are mostly positive, proactive, they look to aid and assist others and there’s a general tone of Pickwickian good cheer, you might say.
For 99% of the time, this website can be seen as a welcome oasis from the trials and tribulations of social media. A rather draining and tiresome place, in broad terms, I have to say. The reason I bother with social media in the first place is that again, there are some lovely people there. And its well worth seeking them out. Whether they be on Facebook and Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr, etc. Even so, social media needs careful monitoring to maintain that friendly atmosphere. Anyone who’s seen the 4,500 rules on my Facebook Group will get a rough idea of the work involved.
You can see where this is going, can’t you?
I don’t want to have to start posting similar rules on this site. We are all mature and level-headed adults (well, most of us are) so I really shouldn’t have to. And the prompt for this statement? Maybe it’s a reflection of the stresses and strains presently swilling around the world. Maybe I’m seeing an outlet here, people blowing off steam perhaps, commenters looking to relieve their own personal stresses by using this site as a sort of digital punch bag, maybe? Hey, maybe it’s a reflection of the increasing audience this site is enjoying? I’ve no idea.

Whatever the reason, I have noticed a recent surge in troll-like behaviour on this site. It’s the sort of behaviour I have no time for and it’s the sort of behaviour that will be treated with zero tolerance. You probably won’t have seen any evidence here because I tend to sort it out before it becomes a big problem. Even so, I will not tolerate it. Troll behaviour – any troll behaviour – will trigger and instant ban.

Call me old fashioned, maybe it’s how I was brought up as a child, but I expect everyone on this site to be polite and well mannered. If you’re not? You’re out.

If you’re not sure how to behave then firstly – why? – and secondly, consider this. Imagine a stranger has just been invited into your home. How would you expect them to behave in such an environment? On such an occasion? If a stranger was invited into my home and then became instantly aggressive, accusatory, badgering, all-guns blazing, over emotional, angry, irate and enraged then I would pick him up by his collar and the rear of his trousers and I’d throw him out.

That’s what will happen here, on this site.
To reiterate and to repeat, most of the good people I deal with on this site need not heed the above. They can happily ignore this diatribe. But the above, I’m afraid, needs to be studied carefully by a select few. If you are one of those, please reconsider your words, take a deep breath, walk away and post your message when you are in a kinder frame of mind. I’m happy to reply and debate but I will not deal with trolls. In any way, in any form of any variant or type. None.
Thank you for your attention.
Image Credits
Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Photo by S Migaj from Pexels
Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
Very sorry this was needed
Thanks Ian – as I say though, these words don’t apply to most people here. Including your good self 🙂
Extremely upsetting to hear of your experience. Your sane reaction is commendable. Hopefully they will get the message but, sadly, they may not. However life goes on it’s merry way and the genuine decent people will always continue to walk down strawberry fields forever 🍓 Thank you too Paul for keeping us all sane…..
Thanks Dermot and yes, agreed.
Fair comment.
Such a shame. Healthy dialogue is one thing; abuse is entirely another.
Absolutely, David. Agreed.
I still think that this is by far the best run/supported site for hi-fi enthusiasts,so long may it continue.
I have heard on the grapevine that ever since the war in Ukraine started, the ‘net has been flooded with bots and trolls, presumably to disrupt the West . I cannot verify this,though, so I could well be wrong. Anyway, full marks to you for keeping us all going, and under control Paul Rigby.
Good point, Ian and yes the ‘cyber’ aspect of the conflict is a very serious issue indeed. Thanks for your support.
Always enjoy reading your posts Paul. Sorry to hear you’ve had to take this measure. Whilst we can disagree with others opinions from time to time, we should remember to do so in a civil manner. Keep your chin up.
Will do, Trevor!
Hi Paul,
Just wanted to offer my best wishes and support for all you do. It’s deeply disappointing that people feel they can use the medium of a hi-fi website to share unsociable and conflictual attitudes. Alas, I see it on many hi-fi discussion forums. I’m sure you are aware that the vast majority of people viewing your site are appreciative of your passion for music and hi-fi, your dedication to sharing your valuable insights.
Kind regards Tim
Appreciate your words, Tim. Many thanks 🙂
Zero tolerance is the way forward. Block ’em, delete ’em…whatever is needed to keep the rubbish at bay. I’m fortunate enough to have retired and have been happy to drop any previous acquaintance that has become repeatedly disrespectful, discourteous, unreliable, plain annoying or any other negative trait. Usually old works colleagues rather than friends of greater substance. Works wonders for the peace of mind and highly recommended as a last resort. First resort perhaps for strangers on social media platforms. All the best.
Thanks Andy 🙂
The problem is: what is the definition of a “troll”? I’ve been accused of “trolling” by merely posting an opposing viewpoint, typically by progressives (American Democrats), who don’t like to defend their positions. When does reasonable and thoughtful dissent become trolling?
I think I talked about that in the feature, Richard. And don’t worry, because political discussions are not allowed on this site, your affiliations will never be an issue here 🙂
It is really sad contributions are not made to enhance the discussion but to denigrate those who wish to expand an understanding of listening to recorded music. A difference of opinion, keeping on message, is not trolling when expressed using courteous words. The current environment of conspicuous self importance to the disadvantage of others is not part of the ethos that Paul seeks to encourage.