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Roksan revamp its range of Caspian phono electronics
21st September 2015

The company has completely revamped its range of Caspian phono electronics. Consisting of the RPP phono stage, the RPM speed control and two Vinyl System Control solutions – the VSC and VSC S2 – all the new models use the same housing as the Caspian M2 Series electronics.
The RPP is Roksan’s new reference phono stage. Boasting MM and MC compatibility with switchable gain and impedance settings, the RPP uses Roksan’s DS1.5 power supply module. Price is £1,900.
The RPM is Roksan’s new flagship power supply and speed control solution for the Xerxes 20+ turntable. Based around a digital speed control PCB, the RPM can also have its speed adjusted by up to 6.25% either way, to compensate for poor mains supply. Price is £1,450.
The Vinyl System Control (VSC) combines the new RPM speed controller and RPP phono stage into one Caspian M chassis. The standard VSC uses one DS1.5 power supply module to power both the RPP and the RPM electronics, whereas the VSC S2 uses two power supplies – one dedicated for each module. For customers who purchase the VSC, it can be easily upgraded with a second power supply in the future for improved performance. Price is £3,000 (VSC)/£3,250 (VSC S2).
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