The Article
Peak From Quiescent: Cabling System
1st March 2018

Long-established accessories brand Vertex AQ has been quietly re-inventing itself by launching a new online ‘arm’ to its operation, called Quiescent. The first product announcement? The Peak cabling system
The Company’s mission over the next year is to bring to market a range of main components including streamers, DACs and amplification – with Vertex inside, so to speak. The first products, available to buy on its website now, are new cable designs in the form of the Peak Speaker Connection System and the Peak Analogue Interconnects.
The Peak Speaker Connection System comprises two main elements – RFI and vibration absorbing modules and a matching low-noise speaker cable. The idea is that these products can be used in a variety of ways, either adding to existing speaker cables or building up a complete high-end ‘amp-speaker’ interface.

The Peak absorption modules employ low resonant sculpted casework and a complex acoustic labyrinth built internally to break down acoustic energy plus extensive RFI and EMI absorption techniques both within the casing and in the construction of the cabling itself.

The modules are available in single-wire or bi-wire configuration and are constructed using solid-core silver wiring, teflon air tube insulation and WBT silver connectors. The flying leads, and the matching speaker cable sets are sheathed in an EMI absorptive tubing (not screening) and an acoustically absorbent outer braiding, to “significantly lower RF hash and background noise”, said the company.

The Peak analogue interconnects (available in RCA and XLR) employ the same silver wire and construction techniques as the speaker cable for excellent synergy right through the system.

Prices for a pair of modules start from £4,000, a pair of speaker cables from £2,600 (2.0m) and a pair of RCA interconnects from £860 (0.6m)
For more information see
It’s me again and wondered if they are still in production, we live in Ireland and wondered what the lag time was. The Wilsons have only one run of spades dispensing with the two as shown in your pictures
Hi Jim – I was expecting review samples but there have been a few delays because, so I hear, the company has gone through some restructuring but, again from what I hear, the products are still there and new products are being designed and developed. That’s all I really know for now.