The Article
100% Cash To Rights Holders From Qobuz
20th April 2020
…well, 100% up until 15 May 2020, to help artists who are not able to tour or attend festivals during the period of social distancing
Which is jolly decent of them, I must say. And is also a nice bit of PR for Qobuz. And possibly a boost in income (for both parties) from the goodwill generated towards the artists. And Qobuz owners should feel good about it. So everyone’s a winner.
There is a wrinkle, though, because this 100% deal applies to new subscribers and the revenues generated will come from the first month of subscription.
It would have been nice to apply an extra bonus portion of everyone else’s revenues too but hey, ignore this crusty ol’journo and his rantings. At least Qobuz is reaching into its pocket, which is more than I can say for some.
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