The Article
17th July 2023

I did bring this one up in yesterday’s YouTube channel update video but I also respect that many of you prefer to read rather than watch videos on social media. Speaking as a book-a-holic, I appreciate that point of view. So this one is for you
Quick entry point to this story? A new website is coming. You know that, here’s the story in full if you don’t. The new site should be friendlier, it should be easier for me to create content and, more than anything, it shouldn’t fall over. This one does now and again. That shouldn’t happen because this is my business. Problem is, a new and shiny and ‘Pro’ website site will cost a lot more to run on a day to day business so I need to finance it.
I don’t make any cash on YouTube (although some people think I do but…no) so I’m hoping my kind Patrons on Patreon can help me out. To help me do what I do here. My Patrons are truly wonderful people. I count my Patrons as friends, actually. They really do keep me going and keep me sane.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s video, none of my Patrons have said this because they’re far too nice to say, but I don’t think there’s enough exclusive content over there. I also think that, if there was more exclusive content, then Patreon might grow further and that would enable me to do more. More immediately, though, expanding Patreon will help fund my higher website bills.
Trouble is, I only have so much time. There’s only so many hours in the day. Hence, to create more exclusive content for Patreon, I am moving my regular YouTube slot, HiFi News, Etc. to Patreon. That is, Friday’s HiFi News, Etc. will now be an exclusive video service for Patreon members only. I will, in addition, be posting some HiFi news over here, on the website but for the full experience, the kind of content you’re used to seeing, that will be exclusive to Patreon.
Also, not sure if I’ve said this on this site but also, expect to see a major double bill video soon on a second system I am running. I’ll be doing a component by component guide but I’ll also be talking about why it exists in the first place. The reasons behind it are rather – personal. I tell you more about me and how I think and how I am. And that’s the background to this second system. It’s not up yet, just finishing notes for that but it won’t be long.
So, if you have been in two minds about supporting me over at Patreon then hopefully this new and regular edition may sway you. The exclusive edition of Patreon’s HiFi News, Etc. will be a regular, weekly posting. More than that, however, if you’ve ever seen HiFi News, Etc. then you will know that there’s often a whole lot more going on that just news. I often shoe-horn little editorial gems in there. Items I can’t post anywhere else. So there are plenty of goodies to look forward to.
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