The Article
18th November 2022

NAD Electronics has released a brand new documentary – free to watch by you, right now
As part of NAD’s 50 anniversary celebrations, the company has released a new documentary which you can watch, right now, as it’s free to watch via the YouTube link below.
This documentary takes the company right back (and before) its early days. The documentary talks about the formation of the company and why it was deemed necessary, the introduction of the iconic 3020 amplifier, financial issues and the sale to Audionord, then later on, Lenbrook and a whole lot more.
Check it out below!
Thanks for highlighting this. Like many I purchased a NAD 3020 when i8t was first released and have owned several NADs since – all sounding good, but notably better built than the first. This documentary will make interesting viewing, so just about to watch it!
Thank you. Great piece of history. I built my own ‘HiFi’ systems back in the 70’s As a student I couldn’t afford the pre-built systems.