The Article
Mojo Reduced Price: limited offer
2nd September 2019

Chord Electronics’ Mojo now benefits from a price reduction, down to £299 for a time-limited period
The 25% price drop reduces the price of Chord Electronics’ Mojo and Poly duo to below £800 for the first time. Recently benefiting from V2.0 firmware, Poly introduces high-resolution streaming and microSD card playback to Mojo’s DAC. Poly can be used both at home and on the go.
Mojo will retail in the UK for £299 for the duration of the promotion. Retailers around the world will follow suit, coming as close to the UK reduction as currency fluctuation will allow. At the end of the promotional period, Mojo (which will remain a current product), will return to its previous price of £399.
To confirm, the Mojo is price at £299 (time-limited offer) and the Poly is available for £499.
To learn more, click
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