The Article
Modding A Pro-Ject RPM 1: On YouTube
19th May 2020

Paul Rigby looks at the Pro-Ject RPM 1 Carbon but also throws a bunch of wide-ranging modifications/accessories at it to see how far the sound changes…if at all
You can use this modding video as inspiration to modify any turntable, of any type and price point…
The idea is to present to you what’s possible. Actually, the modding possibilities range much further so, in some ways, this is just a starter to get you underway…
A lot of the include accessories can be used on other turntables but there are many, many more out there specific or better suited to other brands and their models…
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To see the video, click the image below…
Hi Paul,
Great video on Turntable upgrades, my question is as my turn table is 30 years old and have just bought the best selling Marantz CD and matching amp ( unbelievable differance ) before I retire I was going to buy the debut carbon esprit which of course has the Acrylit platter and red cartridge or should I stick with my fully automatic JVC and upgrade that one. I,m so glad that I kept my vinyl, seeing the resurgence in that format, and feel it,s now or never to change or upgrade.
Hi James – thanks for your kind words. What budget do you have for this proposed purchase and is automatic, semi-auto or manual an issue when you’re buying? What other hifi do you own, what’s your music preferences and what do you look for in terms of sound?
Hi Paul, my hifi now is the new Marantz pm 6006 and matching cd player both of which are to me awesome with unbelievable clarity coming from a fairly old Arcam amp and 20 year old marantz cd player both of which still work and now reside up in the loft ( next to the model railway, but that’s another story ) anyway I am definitely changing my turntable for a fully manual but must be under ¬£500. Most of my listening is through AKG headphones which I love and a very mixed LP collection collected over the last 40 odd years, everything from Pink Floyd to Elton to Maria Callas and Dire Straights. I keep thinking Regs planet 2 or Project debut carbon and change the platter later to save money or go straight to the Carbon esprit although not important it has the speed box for speed change as I hardly ever play singles and would,nt be that often to manually change belt over.
Hi James, yes the Rega Planar 2 is a good choice, as is the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB or even the NAD C558: which I’ve seen for sale at Sevenoaks for ¬£299 down from ¬£449!