The Article
N10 From Melco: Digital Music Library
14th September 2018

The Melco N10 is housed in two units, with each chassis spanning 215mm wide – half the width of conventional Hi-Fi components. The Head Unit contains all of the processing electronics and the data connectivity. The Power Unit contains a the linear power supply and power management
Side by side the two units are the same size as conventional HiFi. The casing is the same size as the Melco D100 CD loader and the E100 Expansion drive.
According to the company, the, “…N10 is designed from the start as an audio specific device – it uses no standard IT components or PC parts.”
The power supply has an IEC 3 wire mains supply with a defined ground reference point. Connectivity between the Power Unit and the Head Unit is by flexible cord with Neutrik multi-pin connectors.
The metalwork is designed around a solid aluminium case, including solid aluminium end cheeks.
A new low profile mainboard uses the same RISC processor and architecture as the N1Z series, twin Ethernet ports are retained with the dedicated Ethernet Player port connecting directly to the network player without an intervening data switch, “…ensuring that packet order and timing is maintained,” said the company.
Internal storage is 3TB HDD, expandable by either IT USB HDD or the Melco E100. Additional E100 increases capacity in steps of 3TB. USB connected DAC allows the N10 to perform as a self-contained local HiRes Digital Music player. Data rates up to 32bit/384kHz and Octo DSD are supported. All Gapless and with Melco Markerless DSD fully supported.
Control of the USB-DAC player is from the new Melco App, from the front panel or from approved third-party RF Remote handset. The N10 will operate with both USB DAC and also Ethernet connected players even without connection to a data network – in standalone Isolated Mode.
You can initiate CD import with either the Melco D100 external CD loader or IT grade Optical drive. Melco does not put an IT grade loader inside N10 as it, “…both compromises sound quality and also reduces reliability due to disposable nature of IT drives,” said the company. Meanwhile, music backup is achieved via plugging in a USB HDD and pressing one button.
Direct Download of Hi-Res downloads from and other vendors is supported too. Price is £6750
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