The Article
30th April 2021

Offering a retro look and a compact form factor, the new Leak CDT, CD transport is intriguing both inside and outside
Full review, close up look and sound comparison with the Audiolab 6000CDT!
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Very good review! I still love my Leak cdt after several months now. I did have an Audiolab 6000 cdt but it broke down on me which due to the situation during COVID the dealer gave me full refund and I decided to go for the new (at the time) Leak cdt. I would describe the sound as more ‘analogue’ than the Audiolab (being a Linn LP12 owner) interestingly I note that the digital output listed for the Leak is supposedly 500 /- 50mvpp whereas the Audiolab is 600 /- 50mvpp. This is another difference for those insistent that the Leak is just an Audiolab ‘knock off’. Not sure what effect this might have other than maybe effecting gain but it is an interesting difference even so. Maybe I’m biased because most of my system is valve driven (Icon LA4 Mkii preamp with Prima Luna Prologue 4 power amp) so I like that sort of sound. I think I’m probably the sort of person Leak are targeting wouldn’t you say?
Thanks for your thoughts, Mark.