The Article
13th December 2019

A review of the Goldring 1042? Oh yes but this video is a lot more, it’s also a Buyer’s Guide…
…when you want to upgrade your cheap and cheerful moving magnet cartridge but you’re worried about the leap to moving coil technology.
So, a 2-in-1 video then.
Upgrading from the certainty of a basic moving magnet cartridge to a more expensive model can be a stressful move.
I hope this video helps to provide some guidance and assistance.
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To see the video, click the image below…
One of the most dynamic set-ups I have heard was a Goldring 1042 cartridge mounted on a Slate Audio Garrard 401 with a Rega 300 through a EAR 834 Phono stage. It also sounds great through the Graham Slee Projects Era Gold V . One advantage not often mentioned is that a removable stylus makes mounting the cartridge mounting less traumatic as you are less likely to accidentally damage the stylus. Some prefer the cheaper Goldring 1012GX for rock music and possibly with less than pristine records.