The Article
New Audio Frontiers Integrated Amplifier: 845 SE Special Edition
20th December 2016

I just admit that I have a weakness for the 845 valve. I currently utilise a pair of Icon Audio MB845 Mk.II monoblocks as part of my reference system. When I saw this design, I had to investigate. OK, this one might not be the newest piece of technology on the block but it remains a little seen and utilised design from the a company that I don’t really see ‘out there’ too much. So…you could call this a sort of Post it note, to make you aware…as it where. For many of you, this will be news
From this company, based in Viadana, Italy, this integrated amplifier runs pure Class A mode and spouts 25W, delivered by an 845 driven by an ultralinear SRPP.
The output transformers are hand wound using silver-plated copper litz wire. That’s doubled-wired to, says the company, “… avoid parasitic oscillation and loss to the core.”
Reportedly, the output valve bias is automatic and doesn’t need any regulation.
Meanwhile, the rectifier for the anodic power supply is made up by two 5R4GY directly heated rectifier valves.
Spanning 350 x 250 x 560mm, it weighs in at 50kg. Price? Around €9,800.
To lean more, click or call +39 333 27 18 393
I have also been a long time fan of the 845 tube, but thew current production Chinese made tubes leave a lot to be desired. There are a pair of United Electronic 845 W NIB NOS offered on eBay for $6,000. They are the best 845, which I have ever heard. The 5R4GY’s shown have only one getter. The best 5R4GY’s, which I have heard are the
RCA CRC 5R4GY with twin “D” getters at 45 degree angles to each other. They are very rare because they were only made for a portion of 1944 and 1945. They sound as good as or better than the WE 274B. I have a few pairs left in inventory, but I sold most to Brent Jessee, who is offering them for sale at $200 each. The single getters go for $12 to $15 per tube, but the difference is huge.
Very informative, Cary. Any thanks for your post and for teaching me a thing or two!