The Article
ChordOhmic Speaker Plugs: The Chord Company
23rd February 2018

ChordOhmic : a new silver-plated loudspeaker plug developed from the flagship ChordMusic and Sarum T speaker plug
The new plugs will be available on all Chord Company cables going forward, as well as being separately available.
The introduction of the ChordOhmic plugs follows the successful implementation of silver-plated connectors in the company’s flagship loudspeaker cables. For 2018, the technology has trickled down from ChordMusic and Sarum T.
The ChordOhmic plug body is constructed from ABS. The plugs themselves are machined from a brass alloy sourced from Germany. The metal contact pin (4mm banana) is machined in the UK.
The silver-plated spade connectors are constructed from pure copper bar which is heavily plated with silver. The spades can be supplied in any multiples. Price is £64 for eight.
To read more, call 01980 625700 or click on
Do the speaker cables have to be returned to Chord for new plugs to be fitted or can you get the plugs and DIY?
From what I can see here, John, it looks like you can buy them separately and then fit them to other cables as a DIY.
Chord insist on return to them for their Sarum Speaker cable. Don‚Äôt care what you do with rival‚Äôs cable…
Right – thank for the update John.