The Article
Chord release free control app, the Chord 2 HD.
21st May 2015

Chord Electronics audio streamers, the DSX 1000 (£7,500) and the CodeX from the Choral Series (£4,500), have been given a new free control app, Chord 2 HD. The new app, which is available for both the iPad and iPhone, will initially be available on iOS 8.0 and above, with an Android version to follow. Chord 2HD brings a number of improvements over Chord’s debut control app (Chord HD), which will remain available for older devices.
The new Chord 2 HD has been designed with a strong graphical focus with album artwork featuring throughout. A wide range of functionality has been added, including a search function plus improved internet radio and media browsing.
Further features include volume control, playlist composition and editing and a cue-in function. The app also allows users to ‘push’ local content on devices to Chord’s streamers over a network, enabling the playback of visitors’ audio content, for example. The free app is available now from iTunes.
For more information, call 01622 721444 or click on