The Article
Carot One Ernestolone phono (MM only) and Class-D amplifier
21st January 2016

The compact Ernestolone phono (MM only) and Class-D amplifier also provides a headphone amplifier and valve pre-amplification (using a 6922 valve which can be changed, if required, by using supplied jumpers) with, according to the company, a set of “unique equalising circuitry” that reportedly enhances cartridge performance plus a MCU programmed power on/off sequence to avoid un-pleasant ‘pop’ noises during the power on/off sequence and built in protection for current and temperature excesses.
Connections include standard speaker binding posts, a line input for a CD player (using a 3.5mm to RCA cable convertor) and a 3.5mm input socket for MP3 players.
Price is €499 (with free world-wide shipping)
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