The Article
27th February 2021

Looking for a low-cost pair of stand-mounted speakers? Paul Rigby reviews these new designs as the Bronze range enters its sixth generation
The Monitor Audio Bronze 50 speakers are 8 Ohm, 2-way design and are part of the latest Bronze line up.
The Bronze 50 speakers are the smallest designs in this sixth generation series.
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Good review Paul, as always…cheers. I have a pair of the Bronze 2 predecessors, now used as side speakers in a full MA home theatre set up and have been very happy with them. How much of a step-up do you think the new MA stand mounts are on the originals please, perhaps in percentage terms?
Hi Andy – many thanks for that. I’d say the bass is improved and better integrated/balanced.
Hi paul, thanks for your hard work. I always liked your reviews very much, Written form is excellent and very much preferred. But I do not like Youtube at all and also its very boring to listen only man without to see or listen actual product.
Could you be so kind and continue in written form mainly please?
Best regards
Many thanks, Slavomil.
I’ll never leave the written form and when you do see a YouTube video you will almost always see a written version of it either before or after. It depends on how easy the work flow is on what arrives first. If you take the newly written Yamaha review – that actually includes info not present in the YouTube version.
There will also be written pieces posted here that will never appear on YouTube. I do have readers/viewers who prefer a video format, though so I aim to offer a balance in editorial output.
Hi Paul, I recently discovered you site and as well as finding your reviews extremely informative, I also find them every bit as entertaining. Thank you!
A month ago and with the help of your reviews, I took delivery of an Audiolab 6000a. Within two days I couldn’t help myself and matched it with the 6000cdt. I cannot believe how good my music sounds. Thank you as your reviews answered many questions and definitely helped with my decision. The best way I can compare my new listening experience is to all of the musicians being told by their management to chuck out the kit they bought from Woolies in the70’s (memories of my first guitar) and start using professional instruments and technology provided by the leading manufacturers. Clarity, range, and delicate high-hats!
To my question and it concerns speakers. I’m listening through a pair of Mission 707’s which must be over thirty years old (They have been refoamed after it disintegrated). What I don’t know is just how good they are and I can’t really go to a shop and ask to hear a comparison. So has speaker technology moved on to the extent that if I replaced them at a price point of around ¬£500 or maybe a bit more, I would be buying something with a better sound and better presentation? Would the quoted frequency response give an indication? They possibly cost around ¬£400 at the time which was neither cheap nor expensive.
Thanks for the reviews and long may they continue.
Very best
Thanks for your feed back, Kevin. For speakers, I would say that designs are improving all the time the newer stuff is hard to beat That said, I’d recommend a demo – and by that I mean a home demo if possible – to make sure. Home demos are becoming ‘the norm’ because of the current situation and most retailers want to establish a relationship with customers so most will talk about it, at least.
I wouldn’t rely on stats either.