
Doo Wop Across America

Dee Dee Warwick’s Foolish Fool

Cracking the Cosimo Code: 60s New Orleans R&B Soul

Dory Langdon’s My Heart Is A Hunter

Corky Hale or Merrilyn Hecht to her mother

Christmas CDs from Jasmine: Four CDs add a festive soundtrack

Steve Khan’s Tightrope/The Blue Man/Arrows

Julia Hulsmann Quartet with Theo Bleckmann’s A Clear Midnight

Anders Jormin, Lena Wilemark, Karin Nakagawa’s Trees of Light

WOLFING ORSCHAKOWSKI’s Zippo Zetterlink In The Poor Sun

The Lovin’ Spoonful’s Daydream

Depeche Mode’s Violator: impressive and consistent

Paul Rodgers’ The Royal Sessions

Koetsu Black moving coil cartridge: Paint It Black

Icon Audio HP8 headphone amplifier Mk.II: Get an ear full!