Vangelis Amore: a limited release of the original score for Henry Chapier’s movie

David Bowie Bowie at the Beeb: The Best of the BBC Radio Sessions ‘68 – ‘72

Fun Lovin’ Criminals’ Come Find Yourself

Transfiguration Phoenix S moving coil cartridge: TRANSFIGURE IT OUT

The Cray Twins’ The Pier: focus of scary soundscapes

Jan Ackerman’s self-titled album infused with jazz rock

Roger Ruskin Spear’s unusual and electric shocks from the ex-Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band member

Eva Cassidy’s Nightbird: 31-song performance at the Blues Alley jazz club, Georgetown, DC

The Chemistry Set’s The Endless More and More: neo-psychedelic, around since 1987

Cardboard Fox’s Out of Mind: the groups first full album release

Kinks’ Songs & Sessions 1964-1971 offers a host of rarities

Bill Wyman’s The Kings of Rhythm Volume 1: Jump, Jive And Wail

Luke Daniels’ Revolve & Rotate utilises the Polyphon Machine

One Track Mind: Motown Guys pack out this CD

Earl King’s Let the Good Times Roll: Singles As & Bs 1955-1962