Luxman CL-38uSE and MQ-88uSE: very limited editions indeed

Gene Clark: Lost Works Now Found from this innovative artist

Audio Hungary APX 200 valve-based power amplifier

Kreidler: A European Song that reacts to world-wide events

The Mission: A Fan-filtered LP with Led Zep fingerprints

Just Go Wild: Chess go rocking

I’m A Freak Baby: sometimes life changes music and then music changes lives

Holton Zero-Five-Zero Bookshelf Stereo Power Amplifier

Moebius: krautrock pioneer’s music for Fritz Lang’s Metropolis

Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band: only to be heard after a vitamin B12 shot

George Benson: one man and his guitar and that voice and far too much talent

Torqueo Marsala turntable: Pullied from pillar to post

A Projection: super serious 80s post punk/new wave…from about five minutes ago

Coldharbourstores: Post Rock or possibly toast rock?

Ulan Bator: pushing rock to the limits…actually just beyond that tree, the one on the left

John Lewis: Mr Meticulous is a busy man