Atlas Cables launch EOS Modular 4.0 – a six-way mains distribution system

Morphine: worrying music from bass-bothering, Southern-Fried lurkers

Old 97’s: maturing cowpunk from a band on the up-slope

Black Rhodium Silver Groove and Silver Groove DCT++CS turntable cables

Audeara: headphones with a built hearing test

Chord SHAWCAN Headphone CABLE: Upgrade Your ‘Phones

Tivoli Audio Model One Digital: multi-room and streaming

Boenicke Audio’s W13 active speakers

Frans de Wit’s Signature One power amplifier: a bold statement

Chuck Berry: he was rock’n’roll’s song-writer

Kool Keith: the ever changing image can add Kool Konfusion

1i2c: entering wide-screen space in perpetual motion

p.o.p.: music that gently challenges you, consistently and repeatedly

Nakama: mixing jazz with Japanese folk plus crumbly bits in the middle

Catherine Graindorge & Hugo Race: it’s all rather low…in tone and resonance

Aqua Acoustics Formula Optologic DAC: Latest Update