The Article
Auris Audio Forte 150: a mono power amplifier
23rd November 2016

Utilising two KT150 and a pair of 6SN7 valves (with bias adjustment included) plus an output (manually wound) transformer on a double C-core, this 100W, push-pull, power amplifier uses Mundorf capacitors and WBT silver connectors as well as silver wiring for the signal path.
Of note are the valve covers, made of temperature resistant tempered glass.
Also featured is that unusual shape with the wooden additions. Included, said the company to, “…cushion the vibrations and reduce the outside impact on the sound.”
Finally, balanced input with Lundahl transformers can be installed on request.
Spanning 510 x 350 x 340mm and weighing in at 27.5kg, the price is around £13,500.
To learn more, click
Love the design and implementation. I would buy a pair!
Love the design and implementation of the art.