The Article
Atlas Grun Coherent Earthing System
19th May 2017

Conceived for use with the company’s Asimi and Mavros analogue interconnects, the Grun system essentially provides an independent earth
“…negating RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference),” said the company.
Symmetrical Connection – Grun connectors are ‘capped’ with Atlas end caps.
Pseudo Balanced
Grun connectors are connected to a spare RCA socket on the back of the amplifier. Pseudo Balanced Grun connector come packaged with all new Asimi and Mavros stereo RCA analogue interconnects.
Independent Ground #1
Grun connectors are connected directly to earth via dedicated ground tag on the back of an amplifier or the Atlas Eos Modular 4.0 mains management system.
Independent Ground #2
Grun connectors are connected directly to earth via a dedicated mains plug (UK 13A, Schuko and Nema versions available).
Atlas Asimi and Mavros owners need to return their cables to the factory to be modified with new Grun green anodized RCA plugs, Grun earth connectors and Grun pseudo balanced adaptor. The upgrade will cost £350 excluding shipping back to the customer.
Prices at 1m:
Grun Cables:
Spade – Female, £105
Spade – Spade, £105
Female – Female, £105
Spade – 2 x Female, £150
Prices at 0.3m
Grun Adapotors:
2 x Female – RCA, £145 (this adaptor is supplied with all Asimi and Mavros RCA cables)
Grun Power Adaports
2 x Female – UK13A, £185
2 x Female – Schuko, £225
2 x Female – Nema, £225
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